URSA License Agreement
Mercer University Libraries would like to include all relevant work in its online digital repository. This would make it visible for the world at large. It is our hope that this will provide additional exposure to your work and demonstrate the quality of research and scholarship that you have been a part of at Mercer University.
If you wish to participate, the University Libraries needs you to sign a license agreement that allows us to deposit your digital materials in the repository system. The original copyright holders (i.e., you and any collaborators) continue to retain all rights regarding your work. The license only grants the Mercer University Libraries the ability to obtain and make your work publicly available via its repository system.
Please be advised that:
- All collaborators and co-authors need to fill out and sign the license agreement.
- If you are a student, you will need to include the contact information for your faculty mentor in the form. They will then automatically be sent a link to sign the license agreement.
- You may wish to block access for a period of time. If you wish to add such an embargo, please make note of the date that the work may be made publicly available in the license agreement form.
- Please refer to our digitization specifications, so that we can more readily accept your submissions.
If you require a print version of the license agreement, please contact the archives for a PDF version.