Research, Student: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 1316
LIVED EXPERIENCES OF ABORTION STIGMA: A QUALITATIVE ANALYSISReproductive healthcare remains an incredibly difficult system to navigate, riddled with burdens and obstacles. Reproductive healthcare is also plagued with elements of stigma, especially regarding abortion care, that influence how people navigate their reproductive healthcare needs and decisions. Limited qualitative research has investigated the impact of reproductive health and abortion stigma on reproductive health-related decision-making. This research sought out to gain insights on the influence of stigma across reproductive health and medical decision-making from the lived experiences of women with roots in the Southern region of the United States. Fifteen in-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with self-identified women, recruited through purposive and snowball sampling, who have previously had an abortion or have experience working in abortion healthcare delivery. Inductive analysis of the interview data revealed reproductive healthcare access barriers and resources, various sources of reproductive health stigma, stigma’s influence on health-related decision-making, and the multi-level implications of stigma in reproductive healthcare. Five themes emerged from the lived experiences of the women in this study and provided insights into how women navigate reproductive health access, abortion, associated stigma, decision-making, while also enduring the world around them. This research unveiled ingrained stigma associated with the entire field of reproductive healthcare and the role stigma plays in peoples’ complex lives, but investigation into more diverse populations is recommended. The research also uncovered the need to invest more deeply in collaborative, public health comprehensive sexuality education rooted empowerment, storytelling, and narrative creation, while addressing the multi-leveled nature of the world we live, play, and work in. The study also highlights that despite the burdens, shame, judgment, stigma, cultural influences, religious ideologies, and political attacks against reproductive health and abortion access, people can still envision a world where people can make autonomous decisions related to their reproductive health - but more work must be done.
ADDRESSING MALIGNANT NEOPLASMS AND HEART DISEASES IN GEORGIA RURAL AND URBAN COUNTIES THROUGH POLICY INTERVENTIONSABSTRACT WAYNE A. HAIRSTON II, MPH, MBA ADDRESSING MALIGNANT NEOPLASMS AND HEART DISEASES IN GEORGIA RURAL AND URBAN COUNTIES THROUGH POLICY INTERVENTIONS Under the Direction of DAWOOD H. SULTAN, PhD, MA Malignant neoplasms and heart diseases are the leading causes of premature death in all counties in the state of Georgia, USA. Data show that in Georgia, heart diseases and cancer have age-adjusted death rates of 195.2 and 151.5, respectively. In 2022, heart diseases caused 21,931 and cancer caused 18,136 deaths in Georgia. Chronic diseases cost Georgia over $40 billion dollars per year. According to the Georgia Department of Health, Georgia is ranked 39th in the nation for health outcomes. This study asks two questions: how do chronic diseases affect Years of Potential Life Lost (YPLL) in rural and urban counties in Georgia, and how can policies and interventions be designed to address these variables and promote health equity? Variable measures for this study were obtained from the County Health Rankings and Roadmaps website. Regression was used to determine the effects of the independent variables on YPLL, and t-tests were used to obtain nonparametric coefficients. County status was used as a control and grouping variable. Correlation analysis was used to detect potential collinearity. T-tests were conducted to determine if variable means differ among rural and urban counties. Malignant neoplasms, heart diseases, rural and urban status, percent Black people, percent obese, percent physical inactivity, percent smoking, percent unemployed, and percent injury-related deaths were strong predictors of YPLL in Georgia. However, Heart disease has the strongest effect on YPLL. Reducing the prevalence of cancer and heart diseases will prevent premature death in Georgia, particularly in rural counties.
EVALUATING CROSS-SECTOR COMMUNITY COLLABORATION FOR PARKINSON’S: THE HEALTHY PARKINSON’S COMMUNITIESTM (HPC) NETWORKSUSANA MARLYN CARLOS EVALUATING CROSS-SECTOR COMMUNITY COLLABORATION FOR PARKINSON’S: THE HEALTHY PARKINSON’S COMMUNITIES (HPC) NETWORK Under the direction of SUZIE MADDEN, DrPH, MPH Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a significantly increasing public health concern, and the neurodegenerative disease requires a holistic, collaborative approach to addressing all aspects of the disease as well as working toward prevention. Many national, statewide, regional, and local Parkinson’s-oriented organizations exist, and there is little effort to coordinate these players toward improving the local community. The objective of the study was to evaluate individual local-level coalition-building efforts, utilizing a survey and interview process to measure success factors and areas for improvement. The research question was, “How to measure existing collective action effectively?” The two main tools utilized for the study included the Community Coalition Action Theory (CCAT) and the Wilder Collaborative Factors Inventory (WCFI). The survey expanded upon the WCFI to assess the outlined factors, and the interviews helped define these factors qualitatively for future community development. A total of 14 community leaders participated in the survey, of which 5 were also interviewed. Statistical Rho correlations were conducted to test the association between success factors within a category, against the category, and against outcome data. The first series of correlations for success factors within each category resulted in one significant pairing between mutual respect and the ability to compromise (under membership characteristics). The second series of correlations for each category with its relative success factors yielded significant correlations for at least one success factor for each category. The third correlation for categories and outcome variables highlighted membership characteristics, and resources stood out as substantial categories highly associated with the outcomes tested using linear regressions. The linear regressions resulted in one significant outcome where the category of resources predicted access to resources and programs (F(1,10) = 8.10, p < 0.01, R2 = 39%). In addition, the two tools utilized (WCFI and CCAT) have not been employed together to define coalitions and pose a significant research pathway that maps information visually and with data.
ASIAN AMERICAN AND PACIFIC ISLANDER WOMEN AND WORK: A BUFORD HIGHWAY SAFETY ASSESSMENTNational data shows Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) women are experiencing a rise in workplace hate incidents since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. During the Atlanta Spa Shootings in March 2021, six AAPI women were murdered in their metro Atlanta workplaces. This spurred demands for data on AAPI women’s intersectional experiences with workplace harassment. Since the Atlanta Spa Shootings, there has not been an assessment of AAPI women’s workplace safety in Atlanta. The Buford Highway Corridor, located within metro Atlanta cities Chamblee and Doraville, GA, has a concentrated and diverse mix of Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese-owned businesses, making it an area of interest for this study. This study was guided by the Asian Critical Theory to address the question: What are the characteristics of AAPI women’s experiences with harassment incidents in the workplaces located along the Buford Highway Corridor in Chamblee and Doraville, GA? An online exploratory structured survey questionnaire was developed for this study by adapting domains from previous studies on anti-AAPI hate incidents. Convenience sampling was used to recruit study participants through social media and community canvassing. Participants were AAPI women aged 18 years and over, who can read and write in English and have experienced a workplace harassment incident while working in a Buford Highway Corridor workplace within Chamblee or Doraville, GA. The final sample included 24 eligible participants. The study found sex and race/ethnicity were reported as the most common sociodemographic factors for being targeted in a workplace harassment incident. Verbal harassment/name calling and sexual harassment were the most common harassment types experienced by participants. White male co-workers were the most common harasser identified by study participants. Each participant experienced a unique emotional response after being harassed. This study provides researchers with a framework for studies involving AAPI women and harassment incidents. This study advanced the utilization of Asian Critical Theory, expanding its scope into the public health field. A practical application of the findings for public health is the development of a culturally competent intervention to train AAPI women in the study location to identify and report workplace harassment incidents.
Immigration Impacts on Iranian-American Youth Mental HealthField observation of Iranian American Immigrants (IAI) shows a broad spectrum of mental health problems, including unsuccessful/ successful suicidal attempts, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, school dropout, substance abuse, and parent-child conflicts among younger IAI. Although in the onset of mental health conditions like schizophrenia and depression, genetic factors, family history, and pre-immigration incidents are involved, the role of stressful environmental factors and life experiences, including immigration and post-immigration situations are significant. Through in-depth semi-structured interviews with 23 IAI,18-26, this qualitative research investigated the impact of immigration on their mental health aiming to find if participants had experienced stress and how they assessed this experience. Applying the interpretative phenomenological analysis conducted manually in thematic content and inductive reasoning, the five themes were identified as patterns of stressors, perception of stress, coping mechanisms, manifestations of stress, and participants' reflections. The results showed all IAI youth experienced stress from language barriers, cultural barriers, a lack of social acceptance, and parents' high expectations. Racism, discrimination, bullying, stereotyping, identity struggles, parents' cultural norms, parents' demands, parent-child conflicts, and financial difficulties were among other stressors. Stress experienced by participants affected their emotional and physical health resulting in low self-esteem, worries, perfectionism, and fearfulness. Also, they reported social withdrawal, depression, anxiety, difficulties with transparency, physical symptoms, and academic challenges. To manage their stress, participants chose physical activities, seeking help, learning new skills, avoidance of stressful situations, and smoking or vaping. All participants seemed satisfied with immigration to the US despite experiencing stress which was particularly true when they compared themselves with their relatives or friends in Iran. Since all participants have experienced stress due to immigration at a younger age, they might have difficulty in communication, confidence, or trust. Their relationships might be affected leading to dissatisfaction and conflict with their partners, families, and social networks. Developing immigrant-supportive policies and providing social support for this population at multiple levels of individual, family, and community are fundamental to decreasing the risk of mental health conditions in IAI youth. Therefore, creating systematic programs that address IAI youth needs in terms of mental health conditions is crucial.
“Fake Meat”: Perception and Acceptance of Cell Cultured Meat and Plant-Based Meat Alternatives Among African AmericansAddressing food insecurity and chronic disease in African American communities is a major concern for many researchers and public health specialists. With limited access to healthy foods, and limited knowledge of other alternatives, it is difficult for residents in food insecure areas to consume healthy and nutritious meals. Efforts to increase access and knowledge should focus on increasing knowledge and availability of meat alternatives, such as cell cultured and plant-based meat alternatives. Many interventions fail to look at the many factors that affects one’s dietary choices such as family traditions, food preferences, cost, media, community, and work organization influence. To explore the perception and acceptance of meat alternatives by African Americans, a concurrent mixed-method study was completed in which 73 survey participants and 14 individual interview participants were recruited using convenience sampling at multiple gym locations, health departments, and a local church. African American, adult participants, living in Solano County, CA were recruited and asked to complete a 21-question online survey, or participate in a 22-question individual interview. Participants commonly cited lack of knowledge, family traditions, cost, food preferences, and outside influences such as community, media, and work units as barriers to trying meat alternatives. Analysis of interviews and surveys revealed that participants consumed meat at least once a day at minimum, had very little knowledge on cell cultured and plant-based meat alternatives, and felt strongly about sticking to family traditions. The study also revealed that while many African Americans are very particular about the things that they eat, when provided more information, they would be willing to try meat alternatives. These findings suggest that intervention programs tailored to increasing knowledge and access to meat alternatives could lead to an increase in consumption of meat alternatives and be used in addressing food insecurity and chronic diseases.
You Can’t Pour From an Empty Cup: A Phenomenological Study Exploring Experiences of Black Counselor Wellness Practices and Barriers to WellnessCHA’KE’SHA SPENCER YOU CAN’T POUR FROM AN EMPTY CUP: A PHENEMENOLOGICAL STUDY EXPLORING EXPERIENCES OF BLACK COUNSELOR WELLNESS PRACTICES AND BARRIERS TO WELLNESS Under the direction of MORGAN E. K. RIECHEL, PHD Myers et al., (2000) define wellness as “a way of life oriented toward optimal health and well- being in which body, mind, and spirit are integrated by the individual to live more fully within the human and natural community.” Occupational hazards such as burnout, compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma and the COVID-19 pandemic may contribute to counselors’ vulnerability regarding a lack of wellness practices (Blount et al., 2016). Black counselors face these risks and unique barriers to wellness such as racial stressors, stigma associated with mental health, and cultural myths and misconceptions around emotional wellness and self-care. The literature is limited regarding wellness models for Black Americans and the theoretical framework for this study does not focus on one model, instead explores several traditional wellness models including those that center cultural relevance. The Strong Black Woman Schema and John Henryism concepts and their relationship to Black counselor wellness practices were also explored. This qualitative study utilized Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to interview 9 practicing master and doctoral level counselors, who practice independently and identify as Black. The purpose of this study was to understand the lived experiences of Black counselors’ wellness practices and possible barriers to wellness. Results indicate that Black counselors are able to define wellness as being holistic, balancing mind, body and spirit and self- care as activities that are enjoyable and promote optimal wellness. Results also indicate that participants acknowledged their history of prioritizing work and family and treating their self- care as an afterthought, which resulted in feelings of exhaustion, guilt, being overwhelmed. Participants admitted that history and cultural beliefs played a role in how they cared for themselves, and they recognized the need for community in their wellness journey.
Practicing Receptivity: Grassroots Ecumenical Dialogue for Building Relationality and Inspiring Missional Imagination Among Churches in Gastonia. NCThough engaged in various missional and social outreach endeavors, churches continue to struggle to commit themselves to deep relationality with their Christian and non-Christian neighbors. The reasons for this are varied, often stemming from theological, socio-cultural, and psychological sources. I implemented this project to understand better how building relationality between individuals of diverse theological traditions could inspire a commitment to increasing relationality, particularly joint ecumenical witness and mission. Individual members from three churches serving the Brookwood and York-Chester neighborhoods in West Gastonia participated. Participants were interviewed before and after a series of five group sessions. In the pre-session interviews, participants introduced themselves, discussed the role they play within their faith communities, and described their respective church bodies’ relationship with the neighborhood and neighboring faith communities. The post-session interviews asked many of the same questions, allowing the researcher to compare any shifts that occurred because of the five group sessions. In session one, participants introduced themselves and their faith communities to the group. In session two, they participated in a bible study on Acts 10-11:18. In the third session, participants looked at the varying dimensions of common life present in the local neighborhood and how each respective congregation participates in it. The fourth session focused on the doubts members have in the pursuit of deep relationships with Christian and non-Christian neighbors. In the final session, participants reflected on future possibilities for joint missional witness. The project found that the act of coming together and committing to mutual respect increased the hopefulness of the participants in helping to build relational capacity. Further, fear was often reported as the most significant barrier to doing this kind of work. This effort requires intentionality as well as a commitment to grace, welcome, and forgiveness if it is to be effective.
CHRISTOLOGY AS AN AFFIRMATION OF BICULTURAL IDENTITY: TOWARD EMBRACING THE IMAGO DEI IN BICULTURAL PERSONS IN THE UNITED STATESLEONOR E. STEELE CHRISTOLOGY AS AN AFFIRMATION OF BICULTURAL IDENTITY: TOWARD EMBRACING THE IMAGO DEI IN BICULTURAL PERSONS IN THE UNITED STATES Under the direction of ROB N. NASH, JR., Ph.D. This thesis offers a theological analysis of the nature of Jesus, the profound symbolism of the Eucharist, and the intricate concept of Imago Dei in order to explore the nature of bicultural identity in the United States (U.S.). The thesis opens with an introduction to the topic of social identity and categorization in the U.S. The thesis also analyzes the Council of Chalcedon’s definition of Jesus, offering insights into our understanding of His nature, which is both divine and human. Then, it discusses the significance of the Eucharist or communion, highlighting its central role in Christian worship and its symbolic representation of the sacrifice of Jesus. The Eucharist highlights the dual role of the communion as a foundation of community as well as individual relations with God. Additionally, the study dives into various interpretations of the Imago Dei, a concept deeply embedded in Christian theology that posits that humans are created in the image and likeness of God. The culmination of the study brings together these diverse threads, providing a deeper understanding of bicultural identity through the lens of Christ.
A Constructive, Compassionate, Generous Understanding of God for the 21st CenturyABSTRACT KHAALIQ THOMAS A CONSTRUCTIVE, GENEROUS, AND COMAPSSIONATE UNDERSTANDING OF GOD FOR THE 21ST CENTURY Under the direction of ANGELA N. PARKER, Ph.D. Since God is not something that can be geographically located to determine if what which has been said about God is truthful, we are left with the project of conceptualizing who and what God is and what God can be. Therefore, since God is manifested from the human imagination it is a product of human weakness. With religious fundamentalists concepts of God that inspire hate, violence, division, asceticism, and oppressive group thinking, the theological imagination is too weak of a tool to accurately depict God in reality. The religious fundamentalists have constricted the concept of God making it difficult for God to function in our modern world and appeal to contemporary minds. The need to conceptualize a God that exists outside religion is essential to the functionality and relevance of a supreme being for today. Since it is the human mind, body, and spirit that encounters and conceptualizes God it is appropriate to theorize a God that is discovered through the activity of self-exploration and the exercise of human authenticity. A constructive, generous, and compassionate concept of God is one where the process of deconstruction takes place. It means eliminating the notion of ultimate truth and embracing ultimate wonder and uncertainty by taking God outside religion. It means knowing God empirically more than through scripture. It means allowing God to inform the believer of what it is and not the believer placing an identity upon God.
RECOGNIZE MY HUMANITY: CREATING AN INSTITUTIONAL CULTURE OF EMPATHY IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAs colleges and universities seek to ensure accommodating academic experiences for all students, it is becoming increasingly clear that the concepts of diversity and disability extend beyond easily identifiable conditions but must also include invisible differences. The purpose of this study was to explore the lived experiences of college students with nonidentifiable diversities to determine the extent to which institutions are meeting the full spectrum of students’ needs. Further, the study sought to determine ways in which institutional practices enhance or hinder the academic progress and success of students with nonidentifiable diversities. The research question that guided the study was, “What are the lived experiences of students with nonidentifiable diversities in higher education?” The study was conducted using interpretive phenomenological analysis. The researcher created an informational video outlining the specifics of the study, including the criteria of being at least 18 years of age and having an invisible diversity. From that video, the participants were able to scan a QR code which led them to a prequestionnaire, which signified their interest in the study. Through semi-structured interviews, eight participants revealed memories, perceptions, and insights into their educational experiences in higher education. Following the steps of interpretive phenomenological analysis, the researcher discovered four emergent themes: (a) Managing Invisible Differences, (b) Extrinsic Rejection of Invisible Differences, (c) The Scars of Invisibility, and (d) Creating a Sense of Belonging, which provided insight into how the participants navigated their invisible differences during their higher education experiences. A key implication of this research was the importance of creating an institutional culture rooted in empathy through building relationships and developing positive service quality experiences for students with nonidentifiable diversities. Creating an institutional culture not only enhances the overall educational experience but fosters a sense of belonging and improves academic success measures for students. Additionally, there exist a few gaps in research from the findings that would benefit from further research, including a need for greater comprehension of self-advocacy for students with nonidentifiable diversities along with a need to understand more about campus services and how those services can help promote equity and self-advocacy for students.
QUANTIFYING MULTIMODALITY: THE VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY OF THE QEMT AND QEMRWhile multimodality and multiliteracies has been a concept for 25 years (Kalantzis & Cope, 2023; The New London Group, 1996), research on and application of the concept within text complexity measures has been limited. Attempts to assess multiliteracies and multimodality (Jacobs, 2013; Schmerbeck & Lucht, 2017; Wyatt-Smith & Kimber, 2009) have primarily relied on qualitative or subjective assessments of multimodality. This dissertation seeks to study and compare the validity and reliability of two tools designed to assess multimodality quantitatively. Based around a theoretical clarification of the New London Group’s original concept, these tools will allow researchers to assess multimodality in unique and helpful ways. Ultimately, the Quantitative Evaluation of Multimodality Tool was found to be both reliable and valid. Discussions for its implementation and understanding its results as well as the limitations of the study are discussed.
THE CALL IS ALL: A PHENOMENOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE VOCATIONAL CALLING EXPERIENCES OF NONDENOMINATIONAL MASTER OF DIVINITY STUDENTSA sense of vocational calling to ministry is a primary factor leading seminary students to theological education. Nondenominational students now comprise a significant proportion of enrolled seminary students. This qualitative study used the method of hermeneutic phenomenology to examine the phenomenon of vocational calling within the lived experiences of nondenominational Master of Divinity students. Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with eleven participants enrolled at five different seminaries. The data analysis revealed the vocational calling experience to be ontologically transformational in a way that redefined the participants’ relationships, careers, and sense of self. The participants’ deep sense of devotion to their calling can be found in the six essential themes that emerged from the data analysis: a divine call and anti-call; paradoxical devotion; experiential, dialogical, and gradual discernment; portal relationships; seminary as a vocational laboratory; and a destination-less journey. Furthermore, the data analysis revealed that participants experienced a vocational calling concurrently with another life altering event, described in this study as an “ontological trigger.” The results of this study show the need for seminary administrators to consider vocational formation as an essential and formal part of the seminary education, especially for nondenominational students attending denominationally affiliated seminaries. Furthermore, the results demonstrate the diverse experiences that nondenominational students take with them into their seminary education. These diverse experiences offer new opportunities for seminaries to expand their notions of vocation and calling beyond their previously accepted understandings.
Defining Clinical Skills for School CounselorsABSTRACT PRISCILLA POWERS DEFINING CLINICAL SKILLS FOR SCHOOL COUNSELORS Under the direction of Morgan Kiper-Riechel, Ph.D. School counselors are mental health professionals who support students’ emotional, academic, and social development. Numerous studies have documented outcomes to support the efficacy of school counselors. To excel in student support services, counselors should possess a diverse set of skills and attributes to successfully assist and guide students. Defining clinical skills for school counselors helps to ensure that they are equipped with the appropriate knowledge and competencies to provide effective support to students, establish a professional standard of practice, ensure school counselors are accountable for their work, and establish recognition as legitimate mental health providers working in schools. The purpose of this Delphi study was to establish a consensus definition of clinical skills for school counselors. Delphi research is a structured forecasting method that involves input from a panel of experts through multiple rounds of feedback. This Delphi study consulted 22 field experts with advanced degrees, extensive school counseling experience, recent field research, and leaders in professional organizations to achieve consensus. Three open-ended research questions produced ten themes surrounding the clinical skills of school counselors. In the three phases of the study, responses from the panelists were analyzed and resubmitted to the same participants for review. Quantitative data included the measurement of central tendencies with dispersion, percentage, and frequency of responses. The panel produced a consensus on ten skill domains to define clinical skills for school counselors. The counseling implications are also discussed.
BUILDING A HEALTHY CHURCH LEADERSHIP TEAM: THE IMPACT OF WHOLE HOG BARBEQUE AND TEAM BUILDING FOR A CHURCH PLANT IN COLUMBUS, GEORGIAThe focus of this project thesis is to recruit a group of diverse individuals and build a healthy church leadership team that will be at the forefront of a church plant in Columbus, Georgia. The city of Columbus is deeply stained by the existence of Macon Road, also known as the “Macon-Dixon Line” it serves as a silent and loud reminder of the city’s socioeconomic division. This project is concerned with how Bible studies, prayer walks, and a whole hog barbeque event would affect the church leadership team. The research involves a focus group and qualitative method to determine how all the events help define the qualities and qualifications of a church leadership team member. A moderator was used to conduct the focus group and both pre and post surveys were completed electronically and all participants were anonymous. The data was interpreted using Micro-interlocutor analysis. The results of this project demonstrated that the series of events and whole hog barbeque helped the diverse group of people on the team move from a place of uncertainty about how they understood a church leadership team and the roles in which they could serve to forming succinct clarity about the role of a church leadership team and how their gifts and talents could be used to serve in a role on the leadership team.
Native Hawaiian Alzheimer's Caregivers and their Experience of Anticipatory GriefAlzheimer’s is a progressive brain disease and the 6th leading cause of death in the United States. Informal caregivers are providing the greatest margin of care. Due to the trajectory of the disease these caregivers are overwhelmed and experience anticipatory grief. Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islanders are the fastest growing minority group in America. The AANHPI are comprised of 50 subgroups with 100 different languages. Alzheimer’s and dementia research among these subgroups is limited due to a lack of disaggregated data. According to the literature, Native Hawaiian elders experience historical trauma and multiple health disparities which includes a shorter life expectancy and early onset Alzheimer’s. Therefore, this qualitative study examined Native Hawaiian Alzheimer’s caregivers and their experience of anticipatory grief.
"But Where's My Class?" Implementing The Adult Christian Education (ACE) Tool for Assessment of Sunday Morning Adult Education at First Baptist Church of Augusta, GeorgiaWithin the past ten to fifteen years, there has been a trend among churches to downsize staff and eliminate the role of “Minister of Education.” With these changes in staff structure, a need has emerged for assistance in evaluating adult educational programming within the church. For this project, a process was developed called the Adult Christian Education (ACE) Tool to be used to evaluate adult Sunday school. This Tool consists of a participant survey, a leader survey, and a series of committee meetings that will guide a committee through the evaluation process. After developing the tool, a committee was established at First Baptist Church of Augusta, Georgia, to test the tool. The survey was distributed among adults in the congregation, and the committee met to evaluate the results and make recommendations to church leadership. Once the process was complete, interviews were held with each member of the committee to gain feedback on the ACE Tool itself. This feedback was then used to determine if the process was successful and what changes needed to be made to the tool. The overall results were that the ACE Tool was a useful tool that could be used in a variety of church settings to evaluate Adult Chrisitan Education. Along with these results, it was determined that some changes needed to be made to improve the tool. These changes included changes to both the surveys used as well as the committee meeting process. The surveys need to be adapted and shortened somewhat for use in other contexts. It was also determined that the committee needs additional meeting time in order to discuss the results and recommendations to church leadership. Moving forward, the tool will be adapted and then tested again in two churches with different demographics in order to compare the process. Once these changes have been made, the ACE Tool, including surveys, committee meeting structure, and process guidelines, will be put in a workbook format that can be purchased and used by other churches.
A Multigenerational Narrative Inquiry: Exploring Black Joy Through Language and LiteracyWithin the scope of this narrative inquiry, I conducted a study on two multigenerational families to examine the literacies that are sustained within their families, analyze the accounts of their experiences, and understand the influence of their language and literacy practices on their identity. For this study, I used culturally sustaining pedagogies and critical sociocultural theory as a framework to explore the historical accomplishments of Black women in education broadly and within the literature before turning to narrative inquiry to consider how their narratives could inform asset-based pedagogies. The findings provide insight into the participants' literacy and language experiences by demonstrating how participants characterized their shifting language and literacy practices as the result of complex social interactions, upheld by family and community. The results suggest that Black girls/women view their language and literacy experiences as both affirming their humanity and deeply connected to their religious beliefs. Black girls/women see the link between their language and literacy practices and their identities as a historical legacy that is passed down and accepted by future generations via the recognition of their literacies. Recommendations demonstrate how educators can leverage various modalities and learning preferences and honor Black girls’ language and literacy practices. Assignment modifications are offered to condense the suggestions provided for instructors and curriculum designers as a means of planning. The suggested modifications can serve as a reference for structuring classes and activities with the aim of cultivating and eliciting joy within educational environments.
Navigating Inclusion: Perceptions from General Education Teachers on Preparedness, Professional Development, and CollaborationABSTRACT JULIE DANIELLE EAVENSON NAVIGATING INCLUSION: PERCEPTIONS OF GENERAL EDUCATION TEACHERS ON PREPAREDNESS, PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT, AND COLLABORATION Under the direction of ROBERT MARSH, PhD. Historically, diversity and inclusivity in the educational system have only sometimes been as welcoming as today (Boroson, 2017; Osgood, 2005). According to the literature on inclusion in education, several factors have contributed to negative perceptions of students with disabilities participating in general education classrooms (Abawi, 2015; Morgan, 2015; Rotter, 2014; Ware, 2016). In response to an increase of students with disabilities in general education classrooms, researchers have recommended courses for professional development and higher education to support the needs of general education teachers teaching such diverse populations of learners (Zagona et al., 2017). This qualitative study explored the perceptions of general education teachers teaching students with disabilities in general education classrooms. More specifically, this study explored a) perceptions of the impact of inclusion on instructional strategies, (b) perceived level of preparedness to effectively teach students with disabilities, (c) professional development needs of regular education teachers instructing students with disabilities, and (d) collaborative relationships between regular and special educators. This study used critical disability theory as the theoretical framework to understand how a general education teacher’s perception influences their beliefs and practice when teaching students with disabilities in general education classrooms. Twelve general education teachers from the same school district participated in face-to-face interviews and provided two weeks of lesson plans for document analysis. Data was gathered and analyzed using a grounded theory approach, constantly comparing patterns from initial, focused, and theoretical codes. Four theoretical codes emerged from the data: The Odyssey, Maneuvering Diversity, Distress Signals, and Collaboration Beacon. These theoretical codes describe how participants navigate inclusion to serve the needs of all students and the challenges they face with collaborative teaching. The results of this study show that although improvements to inclusive practices have been made, few improvements have been made in preparing general education teachers to teach students with disabilities (Chitiyo, 2017; Gilmour & Wehby, 2019; Robinson et al., 2019). Results from this study revealed that general education teacher’s perceptions of inclusion have a direct impact on their practices and beliefs. Compelled to see all learners succeed, participants overcame challenges and immersed themselves in finding innovative ways to teach students with disabilities. Data from this study showed that most general education teachers are not prepared to know and understand the social, emotional, and cognitive needs of students with disabilities. Participants expressed the critical need for higher education programs to provide courses and field experiences focused on inclusive practices. In addition, the findings of this study indicated that most general education teachers do not participate in professional development opportunities specific to teaching students with disabilities. Participants shared how they repeatedly asked school administrators for professional development focused on providing instruction for students with disabilities, managing challenging behaviors, and collaborative teaching methods. Finally, findings from this study revealed that most general and special education teachers are not using effective co-teaching methods. Barriers such as not having common planning times, balancing heavy caseloads, and accommodating multiple schedules often interfered with the collaborative efforts of general and special education teachers. Based on the findings of this study, future research is needed in school districts across the United States to identify guidelines used when determining the educational placement, instructional accommodations, curriculum modifications, and special education support for a student with a disability. In addition, future research should investigate school districts throughout the United States to determine if general and special education teachers participate in appropriate professional development opportunities focused on effective collaborative teaching, instructional accommodations, and managing challenging behaviors. Lastly, future research should investigate teacher preparation programs to compare and determine if general education and special education preservice teachers receive appropriate training and strategies for instructional planning and managing behaviors of students with disabilities in a general education classroom.
TESTING FOR LEAD EXPOSURE IN CLAY TARGET SHOOTING TEAMSLead exposure is a critical health issue that can have long-term adverse health consequences on people who have elevated blood lead levels. The effects of lead exposure at a young age can be permanent and irreversible. Even though lead exposure has decreased significantly over the past 50 years due to controls, laws, and regulations, lead remains a very serious public health issue in the United States. Recent news headlines have indicated that lead can still be found in food products, water pipe connectors, and drink containers. Lead exposure in rural areas is even more significant due to the fact that housing stock is older in these areas and in some states, 92% of rural areas have a high lead risk exposure score. Clay target shooting is very popular in rural areas, and over the past ten years this sport has been introduced into middle and high school sporting activities with many rural youth and adolescents taking up this sport as an extension of hunting and shooting activities that they already pursue. Shooting activities have previously been identified as increasing the risk of lead exposure due to the discharge of lead dust. The study’s objective is to determine if participating on a clay target shooting team exposes shooters to lead in quantities high enough to increase their blood lead level. Capillary blood samples were drawn, analyzed, and the results were recorded for each study participant before the clay target shooting season began and again after the season was completed. The pre- and post-season blood lead level results were compared and indicated that there were no detectable changes in the blood lead levels of the study participants. In conclusion, the study indicated that participating on a clay target shooting team does not significantly increase the blood lead level of the team members during the school shooting season. Future research opportunities should include venous blood draws from a larger population and sample size using blood lead analyzer instruments that are more sensitive and can provide exact readings at all levels.