Harry Potter Event, 2011
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‘Harry Potter’s World: Renaissance Science, Magic, and Medicine’ was created by the National Library of Medicine along with collections from the History of Medicine Division, National Library of Medicine and was on display at Mercer University’s Jack Tarver Library from September 18-November 5, 2011. Jack Tarver Library partnered with the School of Medicine’s Medical Library to plan and execute a series of events in conjunction with the exhibit. Other University departments and community organizations contributed in various ways. Harry Potter's World was on display at Jack Tarver Library from September 18-November 5, 2011.
Recent Submissions
Cardboard Harry PotterCardboard Harry Potter promoting the exhibit and events
Owl and snakeOwl and snake exhibit lent by the Macon Museum of Arts and Sciences
Owl and snakeOwl and snake exhibit lent by the Macon Museum of Arts and Sciences
Display CaseDisplay case created by Lee Twombly
Display CaseDisplay case created and arranged by Lee Twombly
Panels 1-3Arrangement of panels 1-3 of display.
Dr. HouseMedicine & Science Panel Discussion, October 26 2011, 5:30pm
PanelMedicine & Science Panel Discussion, October 26 2011, 5:30pm
Dr. LookMedicine & Science Panel Discussion, October 26 2011, 5:30pm
October 26 AudienceMedicine & Science Panel Discussion, October 26 2011, 5:30pm